Here is the new Park Regis JFC website
Welcome to our world – the fun and exciting world of Park Regis Junior Football Club.
This our new website in all it’s glory!
We used to use a website building platform called Pitchero, which is a good platform to use for a small or a rich club!
We started off with the free version, then the price went up to £6.00 per month if you wanted to display more than 3 teams on your website, then in January this year they increased their fees to £20.00 per month.
£240.00 per year is quite a chunk of money for a small, self financing club, so an executive decision was made to say goodbye to the high fees and restrictions of Pitchero and say hello to the big wide world of a self-hosted WordPress website.
From small acorns, large oaks grow – keep checking back regularly for the latest news and updates about Sittingbourne favourite children’s football club.