Park Regis JFC Events Page
Here you will find details of forthcoming events, and details and reports on past events relating to Park Regis JFC and football in general.

Forthcoming Events
Click here for details of our Harrison Staines Memorial Tournament 15TH June 2024

Check back soon for an update!
Past Events
Harrison Staines Memorial Tournament 9th June 2018
As you know on Saturday, we held for the 16th year the Harrison Staines memorial charity football tournament,we had 42 teams enter.The feedback on the day was amazing many managers coming to me in the control tent saying what a fantastic day they had and how well run the tournament was and asking for next years date which is Saturday 8th June 2019.I personally would like to thank all my fellow Park Regis JFC committee members and mangers for all their help setting up, car parking etc. The Refs for running the matches. Pete and his team who brought along the Sfm radio van for providing us with the music. A huge thank you to Mike & Sarah and all their staff at UK Paper for allowing us to use their facilities. Finally to everyone who came along whether taking part or supporting us, all of you helped us to raise awareness and money for a brilliant charity CLIC (cancer & Leukemia in Children). Look forward to seeing you all next yearYours in SportTracey SandyChair person and tournament organiser